Servicios Profesionales de Coaching

sábado, 23 de julio de 2011

Coaching: Networking

De tu actitud y capacidad de relación "network" depende tu presente y futuro, no lo dudes !!! Francisco Javier Ibarrola Mendiguren

Estoy de acuerdo con Javi. 
"Networking" sirve y mucho! Sobretodo en temas profesionales. No te aísles! Comunicate, conoce gente. Si manejas bien tus contactos, siempre abre puertas, y lo mejor es que puedes ayudar a muchas personas que te necesitan

Business networking is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of like-minded businesspeople recognize, create, or act upon business opportunities. A business network is a type of social network whose reason for existing is business activity. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationships and generate business opportunities at the same time. Aprofessional network service is an implementation of information technology in support of business networking. Many businesspeople contend business networking is a more cost-effective method of generating new business than advertising or public relations efforts. This is because business networking is a low-cost activity that involves more personal commitment than company money.