Servicios Profesionales de Coaching

domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

Coaching: motivation

Coaching is the gift of motivation. A coach inspires motivation by asking powerful questions to move the client toward their desired outcome, create strategies for sustainable success, provide feedback, acknowledgement and celebrate the accomplishments.

Coaches do not motivate their clients but rather inspire them to motivate themselves. The role of the coach is to create a safe environment for exploration. A keep step in the exploration process is to uncover the “motivators” and encourage their clients to tap into them. Motivation is a very powerful tool and can be achieved by defining purpose, aligning values with outcome, uncovering possibilities and creating long-term strategies.

Motivated people have a positive attitude, are disciplined, determined and inspired by possibilities.

Que podamos "subir las cuestas" con motivación!
Como dijo mi profe de cyclo. "I'm not ready when I'm tired, I'm finished when I'm done!" Let's go for it. Abrzs, Majo