Servicios Profesionales de Coaching

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

Coaching: Setting goals for your job search...

There's a difference between looking for a new job and being ready to take the next step in your career. Finding your next career move means setting goals for your job search.

Tell a good story.

Think about your career development as a narrative. What story do you want your resume to tell? What are your long-term career goals, and what steps do you need to take to reach them? Construct your career story and run it by qualified advisors like mentors, industry leaders and recruiters for their feedback. Your next position may not be your dream job, but it should still take you one step closer to achieving your ultimate goals.

Keep it real.

When setting goals for your next job, and for your overall career, make sure they're realistic and achievable. Do your research. Know the range of compensation to expect not only for your role but also for your target location.

A phone screen is not a job offer.

Congrats on getting that call, but it's not over yet. Many job seekers get so excited about one opportunity that they stop looking for others. Remember to continue seeking and applying to jobs that fit your background and career goals even after you start gaining traction. Following up on all the opportunities in your pipeline is really important, so keep that momentum going!