Servicios Profesionales de Coaching

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Coaching & Faith

Creo plenamente que superar miedos nos lleva a cambiar creencias que nos limitan y a lograr nuestros objetivos. La fe es lo opuesto al miedo porque ya no creemos solo en nuestras propias fuerzas y motivaciones - que son altas y posiblemente muy positivas - creemos en Dios y en su Poder. Creemos en que Dios conspira a favor de nuestro bien y de nuestra felicidad ya que en sus manos estamos y nos disponemos a trabajar por un mundo mejor. Coaching con Fe, con Valores, con Esperanza! 
Abrazos, Majo

Coaching is the gift of faith. One of the single greatest obstacles of moving forward in life is the sensation of fear.  Fear reveals itself in many ways:  the fear of failure, the fear of the unknown, the fear of pain. And, at the heart of fear is inactivity.  It is paralyzing physically, emotionally, and mentally.  It prevents us from moving forward in life and thus entraps us in a cycle of stagnation.  Only until you and I replace our fear with faith, will we move from inaction to action.  Faith leads to action, and action leads to change.
Faith is stretching, taking, risking, expecting, and persisting. Coaching helps us to live in faith.  Coaching helps to look to the future…to help us shift our perspective ahead.  Coaching can help us see what we can become, not just what we have been.  Coaching will create an environment of activity and change.  It will take us into a journey of facing obstacles and seeing a new life ahead.  It will overcome a cycle of inactivity and propel one to begin a new cycle of action.  Faith leads to action, and action leads to change.